Monday 1 April 2013


REFRESH YOURSELF in the Peace of My Presence. This Peace can be your portion at all times and in all circumstances. Learn to hide in the secret of My Presence, even as you carry out your duties in the world. I am both with you and within you. I go before you to open up the way, and I also walk alongside you. There could never be another companion as devoted as I am.

          Because I am a constant Companion, there should be lightness to your step that is observable to others. Do not be weighed down with problems and unresolved issues, for I am your burden-bearer. In the world you have trials and distress, but don’t let them get you down. I have conquered the world and deprived it of power to harm you. In ME you may have confident Peace.

How great is your goodness, which You have stored up for those

 who fear You, which You wrought for those who take 

refuge in You,before sons of man!

You hide them in the secret of Your presence from the 

conspiracies of man;

You keep them secretly in the shelter from the strive of


PSALM 31 : 19-20

Also Read:
JOHN 16 : 33

~~ God Bless ~~

~~ Love from All of Us ~~


RELAX IN MY HEALING PRESENCE. As you spend time with Me, your thoughts tend to um ahead to today’s plans and problems. Bring your mind back to ME for refreshment and renewal. Let the Light of My Presence soak into you as you focus your thoughts on Me. This I equip you to face whatever the day brings. This sacrifice of time pleases Me and strengthens you. Do not waste on our time together. Resist the clamour of tasks waiting to be done. You have chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from you.  

Lift up your eyes all of heavens in worship 

Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always
PSALM 105 : 4

Also Read:
LUKE 10 : 39-42

Question to ponder on:

·Where have you been all along? In or out  
  Around or visiting?

· Do you need God? Cause He has said to seek
  Him first and all shall be
added unto you.

· Take 5 minutes to pray and tell Jesus how much
   you need Him and start to spend time with

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Love from All of Us ~~


ome to ME with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed. A close walk with ME is a life of continual newness. Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year. Instead, seek MY Face with an open mind  knowing your journey with ME involves being transformed by the renewal of your mind. As you focus your thoughts on Me, be aware that I am fully attentive to you. I see you with a steady eye because Me attention span is infinite. I know and understand you completely; My thoughts embrace you in everlasting Love. I also know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Give yourself fully to this adventure of increasing attentiveness to My Presence.

Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and
approve what God’s will is----His good, pleasing
and prefect will.
ROMANS 12 : 2

Also Read:
JEREMIAH 29 : 11

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from All of us ~~

Friday 29 March 2013

Month 1 #

"For I know The plans I have for you." declares the LORD,
 "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
 plans to give you hope and a future"

Jeremiah 29: 11